What are Conduct Rules in a Sectional Title Scheme?

A scheme's conduct rules exist to regulate the behaviour of owners and tenants occupying a sectional title property, setting out their rights and their use of sections and the common property. These rules oversee a range of challenges that have the potential to cause nuisances and dangers to others or to negatively impact the value of other properties in the scheme. The body corporate may amend its conduct rules by passing a special resolution and having the new rules approved by the CSOS.


Conduct rules cover the keeping of animals, reptiles and birds, refuse and waste disposal, vehicle parking, damage to common property, changes to the exterior appearance of sections and exclusive use areas, the storage of flammable materials, general behaviour and the eradication of pests.


A body corporate can make additional conduct rules that deal with the etiquette of owners and occupiers in their use of their sections and the common property. Any such additional rule will be valid if it serves to regulate, in a manner suitable to that scheme, a particular activity so as to make certain that it does not prejudice others in their use of their sections, exclusive use areas and other common property.


A provision that deals with the management of the body corporate cannot be included in the scheme's conduct rules, but must be passed and approved as a management rule.


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08 Oct 2019
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